Thursday 2 April 2009

Preliminary Task Analysis

Our Preliminary task follows the 180 degree rule very well. We did have trouble originally with the two shots of the male character walking through the room as we broke the 180 degree rule completely, this however we managed to fix with some editing and use of effects. We also used the match on action technique very suceessfully in the shot of the character opening the door. Notice how smoothly it cuts from the close up of his hand pulling the door open to the medium distance shot of the character opening the door. Our examples of shot-reverse-shots are very effective too, notice the conversation between the two characters how smoothly the shots cut, making it easily identifiable as a conversation between two people. The camera work featured is also very smooth and steady, except for the first tracking shot which we had some trouble filming smoothly due to the lack of equipment, such as dollys, and our lack of experience at the time. Finally we have used a large variety of different shot types, all of which are easily identifiable by eye or obvious when referenced against the shot list I have created for the film.

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