Sunday 29 March 2009

Audience Profile

From the results of our questionnaire we have managed to build up an audience profile. Taking into consideration the fact that we asked 20 males and 20 females we have a mixed audience, gender wise, so we do not just appeal to men or just to women. The profile is as follows: Students, male or female, aged in-between 16 and 20, so either attending sixth form, college or university. Due to either student finance or lack of interest in films they only watch films once a week, the majority of the time and they prefer to watch their films in a cinema atmosphere. When it comes to film interests they prefer modern style thrillers, like Kill Bill or Layer Cake, but with a psychological twist. They also prefer Female actors playing the leading part and for a thriller to have a cliff hanger opening, rather than an explanatory one, as they draw you into wanting to watch the rest of the film.

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