Thursday 19 March 2009

Soundtrack Evaluation

We originally did not want to use any music in our thriller or have a soundtrack at all, duw to the nature of our film we could not find any music which could effectively emphasise the mood. We also saw this use of absolute diegetic sound in 'No Country for Old Men' which we thought was very powerful and really made the film seem real. However after some tests and trials with different types of music we finally decided on a song that sounded good with the film. The song we chose was Firebird by Stravinsky, however I cut it and arranged it into a manner which is more dramatic and fitting to the action in the film. This has evidentially been noticed by the audiences who have watched our film as the majority have commented on how powerful the music is and how it helps set the mood. The film is also relevant to the film as the story behind the song is that the Firebird is captured and forced to beg for it's life, the same as the girl in the freezer.


vmb said...

Steven you are very keen to achieve a good grade for your coursework, research Stravinsky's "The Firebird" and explain how this may link with the action in your thriller.
"The Firebird, once caught by Ivan, begs for its life and ultimately agrees to assist Ivan in exchange for eventual freedom."
Check Wikipedia - this is where the quote comes from. Therefore the girl in your film is rather like the Firebird - caught in a treacherous trap.

Steven Dobinson said...
