Thursday, 13 November 2008

Location Evaluation

All of our film is going to be shot in and around Drayton Old Lodge, an Edwardian Country Manor just off Drayton High Road in Drayton. We will be using the back of the building and the woodland area around it to shoot the film, so it will be the more unglamorous part of the property where the staff smoke and the bins are kept.

The area indicated by the yellow arrow, in the map shot above, is where abouts the film is going to be shot.

We have been around the area and photographed the main parts where we will be filming:


This arch, that is in the wall that runs through the woods, is featured in our first shot, where the camera is acting as the character's eyes as she runs through the woods.


This is the path that she then carries on running up towards the building. Note: plenty of leaves at this time of year, which are useful in providing digetic sound that is needed along with the character's breathing.


This is the less glamorous part of the building she comes to after running through the woods. Note: the dingey lit area featuring the bins and temporary fencing give the area the unglamorous location effect and the lone light in the foreground emphasises the loneliness and almost emptiness of the area.


These are the steps the character comes to when she reaches the building, Note: the broken gate, empty paint bucket full of cigarette ends etc both ephasise the lack of care given to the area. The steps are also important for one of the shots used, its going to be shot from the angle the following picture was taken from:

This shot will be taken as the character runs up the steps to the fire exit.


This is the shot used as the character enters the fire exit doors into the kitchen, where she finds the fridge, Note: the inside of the building is rather unglamorous too, this is emphasised by the bland colours used in the kitchen. The bright white walls too fit into the mise en scene as they almost seem to dazzle the character after she has entered from the darkness outside.


This is the immediate shot as the character looks around the room. She then looks to the left side of the room and sees:

The character then looks to the right and the camera looks across too and sees this half of the kitchen:


The character then focuses on the fridge door which is open slightly and starts walking over to it.


This is the roof window that the shots, following the character's progress across the room, will be filmed through.

This location that we have chosen utilises the thriller genre as it gives us ideal opportunities to create the perfect mise en scene of a thriller. Such as the dark staircase and woodland area contrasting with the blindingly white, sterile looking kitchen. The fridge for instance, it is a small claustrophobic space, connoting entrapment, and without interior light is absolutely pitch black creating fear and a feeling of not knowing what could happen next.