1. What gender are you? Male Female
This graph is proof that we asked an equal amount of males and females.
2. Which age bracket do you fit into? (12-15) (16-20) (21-31) (31 - 40) (40+)
This Graph gives us a good idea of the age range we got the majority of our answers from, which would be people aged 16 - 31, so we know our target audiences rough age.
3. What is your favourite genre of film? Horror Comedy Thriller Action Other
From this graph we can tell that the majority of our target audience prefer the Thriller genre to any other.
4. What is your current aspiration/occupation? Student Find-Job Further-Education College
We can tell from this graph that the majority of our target audience are also students. This is will help us when making decisions on distribution options later in teh film making process because we now know the majority of our target audience are on student income and will therefore be tighter for money than perhaps other audiences. This means we will be better off distributing it somewhere cheap, such as Youtube.com or any online rental companies such as lovefilm.com.
5. How often do you watch films? (Weekly) Once Twice Three-times Four-times
This graph shows us that there is a split within the majority of our target audience as half seem to be keen film watchers and the other half only seem to be recreational film watchers. This is the same as the previous question in the way that it helps us decide on pricing strategies and distribution methods due to the film watching habits of our target audience. Because they are not that into films they will not be prepared to pay as much for them, especially when they are on student income.
6. Where do you prefer to watch your films? Home Cinema
We can tell from these findings that our target audience are more cinema based when it comes to watching films, this could be because they prefer new films or because they prefer the environment. This is another question that is beneficial to us in the way that it helps us draw up conclusions about where and how we should distribute our film.
7. What kind of thriller would you prefer? Noir-classic (Psycho) Modern-thriller (Kill Bill)
The graph above indicates that the majority of people would prefer to see a more modern style thriller such as Kill Bill or Layer Cake, instead of a film like Phsyco or The Birds. This is different to the previous questions as it has an effect on a different part of the film making process. This information will help us decide on how we are going to craft our thriller and what sort of mise en scene and connotations we need to try and create to please our target audience.
8. Which gender lead do you prefer in films? Male Female
This graph provides us with signifcant advice about the gender that our lead role should be, this will have a large effect on the casting on our thriller as we now know that in order to create a thriller sufficient enough for our target audience, we will need a female lead role.
9. How do your prefer your openings? Cliff-hanger Explanatory
The information that we gathered from this graph has effected the way we have crafted our thriller opening in a number of ways. All of these ways put together have resulted in our thriller opening being one with a cliff hanger ending because it is what pleases our target audience the most.
10. Which style thriller do you prefer? Sci-fi Horror Crime Psychological Action
The final graph is the one which has provided the information which will have the largest effect on the way we make our thriller. We now know that in order to fullfill our audience's tastes we need to give the thriller a psychological edge, rather than one more leaning towards the horror genre or with sci fi connotations.
Overall we used this questionnaire to gain some information on our target audience, personal and about their film watching habits, and to gain they're opinions on which styles etc we should use.
You have carried out some useful audience research Steven. try to develop your analysis a little more. You have started to draw conclusions, but this needs to be more developed.
Steven - you need to act on my earlier comment as a priority
Evaluation of data lacks detail and points are undeveloped. Manages to achieve low level 3 because audience profile included.
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