Tuesday 21 October 2008

The Questionnaire itself...

Here is the finished product, the final draft of our questionnaire which we are going to be asking people to complete to help us with our media studies.

"This is a questionnaire we have compiled together with the aim of discovering the opinions of potential viewers on what features/styles we should use when creating our film opening, for our AS Media Studies coursework. We are also hoping to be able to derive our target audience too."

1. What gender are you? Male Female

2. Which age bracket do you fit into? (12-15) (16-20) (21-31) (31 - 40) (40+)

3. What is your favourite genre of film? Horror Comedy Thriller Action Other

4. What is your current aspiration/occupation? Student Find-Job Further-Education College

5. How often do you watch films? (Weekly) Once Twice Three-times Four-times

6. Where do you prefer to watch your films? Home Cinema

7. What kind of thriller would you prefer? Noir-classic (Psycho) Modern-thriller (Kill Bill)

8. Which gender lead do you prefer in films? Male Female

9. How do your prefer your openings? Cliff-hanger Explanatory

10. Which style thriller do you prefer? Sci-fi Horror Crime Psychological Action

Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are all aimed at finding out some background information about the person who is completing the questionnaire. This is so later when collating the results we take in, we can make statements and graphs/charts such as: "70% of the people interviewed, who prefer to watch movies at home, prefer a male role in a film."

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