Tuesday 21 October 2008

Questions Questions Questions.....

We are currently undergoing the process of designing our questionnaire, EG: deciding on questions and wording them all correctly. We have however agreed that the main aim (what we want to find out) is to get some ideas and opinions of potential viewers on the opening we are going to make, this will then give us a rough guide to our target audience too. To do this my partner and I have both agreed to question 10 males and 10 females each, resulting in 40 completed copies of our ten-question questionnaire, We believe this to be an ideal amount of information to work with. The questionnaire itself will be posted shortly.

1 comment:

vmb said...

Results and analysis, are linked to thriller planning, but analysis is superficial in places and undeveloped.
Nevertheless a clear profile of target audience raises this component to Low Level 3: 12/20