Wednesday 12 November 2008

Plot Summary

The Character featured in our thriller is carrying a suitcase, she has stolen. She is running through woods towards a building she can see in the distance to escape from what is following her. She reaches the building, clambers up the stairs to the fire exit and manages to get in. Once inside she surveys the kitchen she has entered and notices the walk-in fridge door is open and ventures inside to for a hiding place. She feels the wall and finds the light-switch and turns on the lights. She then sees on the floor the body of a man and in the shock drops the suitcase which opens, spilling bags of coccaine onto the floor. Its then that the lights go out and the door lock clicks, she screams and its over.


vmb said...

Proficient planning (Level 3/4) but need costume design and more on use of claustrophobic space.

vmb said...

You need to post costume design into blog and evaluation of soundtrack.

vmb said...

Overall lower Level 3 for planning. To raise grade you must include purpose and effect of costume, location, objects, lighting and sound.

vmb said...

Overall proficient planning, to raise grade Steven needed to analyse ideas more strongly and reference research.

Level 3: 13/20