Tuesday 11 November 2008

Questionnaire Results

Here are the results for the questionnaires that have been filled out concerning our Target Audience and Ideas on our Thriller opening:

1. What gender are you? Male-20 Female-20

2. Which age bracket do you fit into? (12-15)-8 (16-20)-21 (21-31)-8 (31 - 40)-3 (40+)-0

3. What is your favourite genre of film? Horror-14 Comedy-11 Thriller-4 Action-8 Other-3

4. What is your current aspiration/occupation? Student-18 Find-Job-2 Further-Education-12 College-8

5. How often do you watch films? (Weekly) Once-13 Twice-10 Three-times-12 Four-times-5

6. Where do you prefer to watch your films? Home-24 Cinema-16

7. What kind of thriller would you prefer? Noir-classic (Psycho)-15 Modern-thriller (Kill Bill)-25

8. Which gender lead do you prefer in films? Male-18 Female-22

9. How do your prefer your openings? Cliff-hanger-24 Explanatory-16

10. Which style thriller do you prefer? Sci-fi-5 Horror-7 Crime-5 Psychological-13 Action-10

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